Born on the 15th of September, in Buenos-Aires, to Sergio Federico Fernandez de Castro. On his father’s side – a prominent family from the north of Spain (Galicia), taking roots in the 9th century (Castro Jeriz), fighting the Moors in Las Navas de Tolosa (13th century). The family includes several viceroys (Naples, Sicily, Peru) and the dedicatee of the 2nd volume of Don Quixote. On his mother’s side- Basque ancestry. His grand-father- the prime minister of Argentine.
Childhood in Switzerland (Lausanne and Geneva) and Italy (Turin)
Pupil of the Jesuits in Montevideo, studies musical composition.
Discovers poetry while learning Castilian, captivated by the Vallejo poetry. Then associates with Neruda, Paz, Cortazar.
Walks along the Uruguay shore all alone, from Montevideo to Brazil, spending nights at police stations in villages. First meeting with Joaquin Torres-Garcia. Studies architecture.
Premiers contacts avec Joaquin Torres-Garcia. Etudes d’architecture.
First concert of his works at the Montevideo University. First poems: Poesia I.- Ecos
Torres-Garcia’s disciple until 1949. Painting and Monumental Art.
Settles in Buenos Aires. Works on painting and musical composition. His works exhibited in the Ateneo de Montevideo, Taller Torres-Garcia.
Creates two murals for the decoration accomplished by Torres-Garcia and his apprentices in the Martirené Pavilion of the Saint-Bois Hospital (Montevideo).
Exhibits in Buenos Aires, «Pintura uruguaya», Comte Gallery.
Settles in Cordoba, Argentine, as Manuel de Falla’s assistant in Alta Gracia.
Exhibits in New-York with the «Taller Torres-Garcia».
Travels to the north-west of Argentine and the south of Peru to study Pre-Columbian Art, together with Gonzalo Fonseca, Julio Uruguay Alpuy, Jonio Montiel.
Returns to Buenos Aires.
Exhibition of A.Torres, Castro, Montiel in Buenos Aires, Viau Gallery.
His artworks exhibited at the Santa Fe Fine Arts Museum, Argentine.
Cecilia Ingenieros, Martha Graham’s disciple, creates a ballet based on his «Doce variationes breves» at the Teatro del Pueblo, Buenos Aires.
Professor of Music History at the new conservatory of La Plata.
Joaquin Torres-Garcia’s death on August 8, Montevideo.
Gains a scholarship from the French Government for completing his musical studies in Paris.
Severe asthma attacks. Stay at the Necker hospital inspires drawings of women in veils.
Trip to Italy: Tuscan, Umbria and Veneto.
First travel diary: Italy, France
Member of the musical band Zodiaque conducted by Maurice Ohana.
El Puerto, oil on canvas, 160 x 300 cm.
Ends his composing activity, consecrates on painting and monumental art – stained glass.
First article on his work – A la découverte de Sergio de Castro – by Jean Bouret in “Arts”, Paris, 16.03.51.
Second trip to Italy: Rome, Naples, Venice.
Personal exhibition in Paris: Natures mortes, Jeanne Castel Gallery, and in Buenos Aires: Bonino Gallery, Oeuvres linéaires, prefaced by Julio E. Payrô.
Meeting with Picasso in Paris and the Midi where he spends summer.
Beginning of a series of tempera.
Exhibits in Paris: «Prix Buhrlé», Kaganovich Gallery; in Buenos Aires: Dibujos de artistas argentines, Bonino Gallery.
Settles in his first workshop on the 16 bis Rue du Saint-Gothard, where he will be working for his whole life.
Beginning of his famous linear compositions.
Personal exhibition in Paris: Pierre Gallery, Peintures à l’œuf, and in Buenos Aires, Van Rief Gallery.
Series of tinted paper.
Exhibits in Paris, Six peintres, Rive-Gauche Gallery: Découvrir.
Charpentier Gallery, École de Paris, his canvas hung on the main picture rail: Bazaine, Castro, Picasso, Lanskoy, de Staël.
Trip to Belgium and Holland. First trip to Greece, his stay in the Cyclades would deeply influence his painting.
Personal exhibition in Paris: Rive-Gauche Gallery, Huiles Récentes, and in Buenos Aires: Bonino Gallery, Papiers teintés.
Exhibits in Tokyo, Asahi; Munich, Grosse Kunstausstellung; Chauvigny, Chateau d’Harcourt; Paris: Saint-Placide Gallery and Charpentier Gallery.
Begins his stained glass window of 6 x 20 m – La Création du Monde – for the Benedictine Monastery of Saint-Sacrement in Couvrechef-la-Folie (Caen).
Exhibits in Turin: Biennale Francia-Italia, Palazzo delle Arte al Valentino; in Paris: Le Blanc, La Roue Gallery, and École de Paris, Charpentier Gallery.
L’Atelier de l’artiste, oil on canvas, 200×300 cm.
Francis Matthiesen organizes the first important personal exhibition of the artist at the London Gallery. Forty three works exhibited between 1956 and 1958.
Catalogue with a full-page colour cover, texts by André Chastel, Petit portrait de Sergio de Castro, and by Denys Sutton, Sergio de Castro.
Exhibits in Lucerne: Junge Maler aus Deutschland und Frankreich, Kunst-Museum; in Paris: Aquarelles et Gouaches, Rive-Gauche Gallery and École de Paris, Charpentier Gallery.
Exhibits in Kassel, Documenta II; in Liverpool: John Moore Foundation, Walker Art Gallery; in Turin: « Biennale Francia-Italia », Palazzo delle Arti al Valentino; in London: Recent acquisitions, Art Council; in Paris: Peintres et Sculpteurs argentins, France-Amérique Commitee, Grand Palais.
Tryptique de l’atelier, oil on canvas, 114×292 cm.
Receives the award at the Fifth International Hallmark Art Award – Alechinsky, Marcicano, Charchoune, Castro.
Exhibits in New-York: Prix Hallmark, Wildenstein Gallery; in Buenos Aires, Sesquicentenario, National Museum of Fine Arts; in Paris: Art Sacré at the Museum of Modern Art City of Paris, and École de Paris, Charpentier Gallery.
Trip to Spain: Castille and Andalusia.
Personal exhibition at the Matthiesen Gallery, London, Oeuvres 1959 – 1961.
Exhibits in Rio-de-Janeiro: Arte Argentina Contemporanea, Museum of Modern Art; and in Paris: École de Paris, Charpentier Gallery.
Denys Sutton organizes the exhibition “Des Traitres 1962” – Aguayo, Castro, Calliyannis, Lago – at the Leicester Gallery, London.
Bruno Lorenzelli exhibits four works of the artist in Milan, 1958-1963.
Catalogueue prefaced by Lamberto Vitali. Quotation of the texts by Jean Bouret, André Chastel, Franck Elgar, John Russel, René de Solier, Denys Sutton, Leslie Waddington.
Two colour plates, thirty-nine plates in black.
Exhibits in London: Leicester Gallery, Artist as Collectors; in Paris: National Museum of Modern Art, Art Argentin Actuel.
L’atelier – été 64, oil on canvas, 130 x 195 cm, purchased by the Museum des 20 Jahrhunderts, Vienna. Personal exhibitions in Basel, Bettie Thommen Gallery, and in Bergamo, Lorenzelli Gallery. Paris publication of the monograph Sergio de Castro including the text provided by Denys Sutton. Cover and new colour plates, thirty-six plates in black. Artist’s photograph by Marc Lavrillier.
Hans Platte organizes the first retrospective of the artist’s painting in Kunstverein, Hambourg. One hundred and ten works exhibited between 1955 and 1965. Catalogueue prefaced by Hans Platte, recto-verso full page in colour, four colour plates, thirty in black. Artist’s photograph by Claus Magelhaes.
Exhibits in Florence: Arte Contemporeana, Palazzo Strozzi; in Bergamo, Lorenzelli Gallery; in Buenos-Aires: Artes Visuales I, Eduardo Sivori Museum; Zurich: Natures Mortes, Obere Zaune Gallery.
Grèce Immortelle, 1965 oil on canvas, 114 x 46 cm, purchased by the Peter Stuyvesant Foundation, Amsterdam.
Retrospective exhibition at the Art and History Museum of Fribourg, Switzerland. These three works exhibited between 1955 and 1966. Catalogueue prefaced by Marcel Struh. Quotation of the texts by Jean Bouret, Pierre Descargues, Julio E. Payro, André Chastel, Franck Elgar, Manuel Mujica-Lainez, Cordoba Iturburu, René de Solier, Denys Sutton, John Russel, Leslie Waddington, Emir Rodriguez Monegal, Lamberto Vitali, Marco Valsecchi, Paul Theodor Hoffmann, Hans Platte. Thirty plates in black. Artist’s photographs by René Bersier.
Personal exhibition in Dom Gallery, Cologne, works of 1961-1966.
Variationnen über ein Thema exhibition organized by Thomas Grochowiak at the Städtische Kunsthalle, Recklinghausen, featuring eight variations on El Gréco by Sergio de Castro alongside five studies on Velasquez by Francis Bacon.
Spends October in Tunisia, his stay inspires important changes to his painting.
Tolède L’an mil, oil on canvas, 130 x 195 cm.
Exhibits at the Kunstverein, Hamburg, Von Bauhaus bis zum Gegenwart, catalogueue colour plate 2; at the Städtische Kunsthalle, Recklinghausen, Zauber der Lichte.
Exhibits in Fribourg, Switzerland, de Lautrec à Matthieu, Art and History Museum.
L’atelier, 1966, gouache on paper, 75 x 52.5 cm. Purchased by the National Fund of the Arts, Buenos Aires.
September, installation of the monumental glass work la Rédemption in the Dietrich Bonhoeffer Church of Hamburg.
August-November, Gertrud Kobke Sutton organizes a retrospective and travelling exhibition at Oslo Kunstforening, Holstebro Kunstforening, and the Danish Museum of Art & Design, Copenhagen. Forty-seven works are exhibited, six plates in black. Artist’s photography by René Bersier.
His painting evolves towards the Baroque style, more visionary and tortuous.
Spends autumn in Venice.
L’atelier-été, 1959, oil on canvas, 130 x 195 cm. Purchased by the French State.
Zagouan, lumière bleue (1968), oil on canvas, 50 x 73 cm. Purchased by The Columbia Gallery of Fine Arts, Ohio.
Denys Sutton brings together the collection of thirty one landscapes of the Tunisian period between 1967 and 1971 entitled Landscape of Light at the Wildenstein Gallery, London. Catalogueue prefaced by Denys Sutton and the artist. One colour plate, ten plates in black. Artist’s photograph by Martine Franck.
Denise Renard presents in Paris, Jacob Gallery, a collection of gouaches dating to 1961-1971. Preface by Claude Esteban, Cosa Mentale.
Espagne, tryptich, oil on canvas, 100 x 310 cm.
Sèvres 2000, held in the Chateau of the town d’Avray, Fance Franck’s pottery and porcelain of Sèvres, together with gouaches and a complete series of black board pieces of Sergio de Castro. Catalogueue prefaced by Jean-Dominique Ray.
Exhibits in Paris, 27e Salon des réalités Nouvelles.
First edition of the Encyclopedia Universalis, volume 2, the article Atelier by Maire-Josée Mondzain, page 707 to 711, three workshops reprinted: Vermeer, Braque, Castro.
Denis Renard presents a collection of twenty one paintings of 1970-1972 at the Jacob Gallery, Paris. Catalogueue prefaced by Guy Weelen, Ceci regarde la peinture, full-page cover in colour, fourteen plates in black.
Personal exhibition at Monique Delcourt’s in Valenciennes: Les Ateliers, thirty-five gouaches of 1964-1973.
Exhibits in Dusseldorf, Foire de la Peinture; in Paris, 28e Salon des Réalités Nouvelles.
Spends September in Portugal.
Castille 1971, oil on canvas, 100×81 cm. Purchased by the Bremen Kunsthalle.
Günter Busch organizes Castro’s retrospective of the years 1965-1975 at the Kunsthalle, Bremen. Ninety-one works exhibited. Catalogueue prefaced by Günther Busch, cover and twelve colour plates, ninety-seven plates in black. Quotation of the texts by the artist, Emir Rodriguez-Monegal, Denys Sutton, Gertrud Kobke Sutton and André Chastel. Artist’s photograph by Dominique Souse.
Retrospective taken up by Helmut Uhlig in the Kunstamt, Berlin-Tempelhof. Prefaced by Helmut Uhlig, Sergio de Castro Zu berliner Festwochen 1975.
Françoise Debaisieux organizes Castro’s retrospective of the years 1956-1966 at the Fine Arts Museum, Caen. Sixty-eight works exhibited. Catalogueue prefaced by Françoise Debaisieux. Complete reproduction of André Chastel’s texts 1958. Petit portrait de Sergio de Castro and Sergio de Castro (1965) by Hans Platte; recto-verso full-page cover, one colour plate, thirty-three plates in black. Photograph by René Bersier.
Exhibits a series of gouaches, small format, alongside the works of the ceramist France Frank at the French Cultural Center of Luxembourg.
Takes part in the exhibition Peintures Contemporaines en Extrême-Orient organized by the French Association for Artistic Action in Saigon, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Jakarta, Manila, Wellington.
Espagne 1971, oil on canvas 150 x 150 cm. Purchased by the Natural Museum of Art and History, Luxembourg, together with his other three works.
Series of the famous Nus and landscapes of Morocco (oils and gouaches).
Guest at the international conference organized by the UNESCO in Paris. La place et la fonction de l’art dans la vie contemporaine.
Exhibits in Paris: Les dix ans de la Galerie Jacob, Jacob Gallery.
Trip to Marocco.
Guest at the exhibition, Signe du Sacré au XXè siècle, Dijon, Saint Philibert church, text of the catalogueue by Jacques Thuillier, Crise de l’image et quête du sacré.
Le Peintre, oil on canvas, 195 x 265 cm.
Guest at the exhibition Le regard du peintre, Georges Pompidou Center, Paris, National Museum of Modern Art, Ateliers Aujourd’hui, contemporary artworks from national collections. Installations.
Patmos 1977, oil on canvas, 114 x 195 cm. Purchased by the National Fond of Contemporary Art, Paris.
Personal exhibition in the Valmay Gallery, Paris, fifty-seven artworks from the years 1972-1978.
Exhibits in Paris, Hommage à Pierre Loeb, Museum of Modern Art City of Paris. Exhibition continues in the Museum of Ixelles, Brussels.
Begins preparing stained-glass for five 15th-century century flamboyant windows in the left aisle of the collegiate church of Notre-Dame de l’Assomption de Romont, Fribourg, Switzerland.
Granted French citizenship.
Knighthood of the order of Arts and Letters.
Guest at the 39th Biennale of Venice. Argentina Pavilion, Sergio de Castro’s paintings, Fabriciano’s sculptures. Exhibits 12 paintings of the 70’s in large format including two diptychs: Livres 1972 et Les Atrides 1973, one triptych Espagne 1973, and the workshop Le Peintre.
Guest at the 1st Exhibition of Stained Glass, International Stained-Glass Centre, Loens granary. Exhibits La Résurrection 1967-1976, stained-glass window of 417 x 123 cm.
Personal exhibition at the Syn’Art, Paris: twenty-eight gouaches 1972-1979 based on the Ateliers theme.
France-Culture, the Agora programme by Olivier Germain-Thomas, April 3, Sergio de Castro et son œuvre pour Romont.
September, installation of stained-glass windows for the collegiate church of Romont, Fribourg, Switzerland. Associate professor at the Department of Human Studies of Strasbourg – Institute of History of Art and Plastic Arts.
Mural based on the theme of books – oil on canvas hung on the board of 220 x 145 cm. For the lobby of the new Central Library of Prêt de l’Yonne in Saint-Georges-sur-Baulches Auxerre. FR3 Rhône-Alpes, Artisans de la lumière, Claude Espérandieu’s documentary on Romon, with the artist’s participation.
François Enaud, General Inspector of Historical Monuments, places an order of a series of stained-glass works for the western window of the Saint-Laurent Chapel of the Strasbourg Cathedral (8 x 5 m).
The artist worked on the gigantic Arbre de Jessé until 1985.
Le Peintre, 1978, oil on canvas, 195 x 265 cm. Purchased by the Regional Contemporary Fond of Alsace.
Guest at the Manca Festival – Contemporary Music of Nice, Cote d’Azur – on February 27, the world premiere of his Variaciones 1945 by the pianist Jay Gottlieb.
France Culture, Martin Cadieu’s programme on April 4: Sergio de Castro and his Varaciones 1945.
Publication of Jacques Thuillier’s book Les Prophètes, Los Profetas, Madrid Editiones El Viso, Vitraux de Sergio de Castro pour la Collégiale de Romont (Fribourg) 1979-1981. Photographs by Dominique Souse.
Publication of the illustrated catalogueue of the Frac d’Alsace 1981-1983, Sergio de Castro. Text by Albert Chatelet.
La Bibliothèque 1972, oil on canvas, 130×162 cm. Purchased by the National Fond of Contemporary Art, Paris.
Takes part in the Le Corps exhibition, Marcel Pagnol College.
Publication of Histoire de l’Art in two volumes, Larousse, Paris. See Volume 2, page 250, “en guise de conclusion », colour plate.
Le Maillon Cultural Center, Strasbourg, exhibits Le Peintre 1978 and a series of five gouaches of 1974 during the music week dedicated to Maurice Ohana, Musique des Hespérides.
Guest at the M.A.N.C.A Festival – Contemporary Music of Nice, Cote d’Azur – February 2, the world premiere of his Partita opus X by the pianist Anna Stella Schic. Colour cover for the catalogueue of the M.A.N.C.A 86.
Personal exhibition at the French Institute of London, Homages et Variations, thirty artworks of 1957-1975 based on Dürer, Holbein, El Greco and Vermeer.
The Buenos Aires Museum of Modern Art organizes Castro’s retrospective of the years 1949-1974. One hundred exhibited artworks. Catalogueue, text by de Guillermo Whitelow and Maria Rosa Bemberg. Artist’s photograph by Martine Frank.
Inauguration of murals ordered to Sergio de Castro by Atochem for the entrance hall of the head office in Paris-La Défense.
Exposition of two hundred preliminary studies related to murals.
Exhibits in Nice, Contemporary Art Gallery, during the days dedicated to the composer Jean-Etienne Marie; in Amsterdam: Alegria de vivir, Peter Stuyvesant Stichting.
Accomplishment of eight paintings based on the Livres theme for the historic exhibition that was to take place the same year at the chateau de la Rocca and Soragna.
Publication of the Sergio de Castro brochure in Atochem, Entretiens avec Sergio de Castro.
Artist’s photograph by Dominque Souse.
Castro creates an advertising poster for the World Cultures Institute (Maison des Cultures du Monde), Paris.
The 1st Festival d‘Art Sacré Contemporain of Bayeux organizes Sergio de Castro’s exhibition uniting seventy-two artworks under the religious theme of the years 1948-1978 at the Diocesan Museum of Sacred Art. Catalogueue prefaced by Denis Lavalle, Sergio de Castro à Bayeux, followed by the artist’s interview.
Tandem of personal exhibitions in Paris: left bank – Gallery des Ambassades (Galérie des Ambassades), right bank – Galarté Gallery. Forty-six still lives – oils and gouaches – dating to 1958-1965.
Publication of ATOCHEM calendar for 1989, Sergio de Castro, sixteen colour plates of the years 1951 to 1987.
Inauguration of Sculpture – Atochem, a spatial work in metal and glass, 252 cm high, as well as two new murals installed in February 1988, Signal 192 x 32 cm, Carré 100 x 100 cm.
Personal exhibition at the Gallery des Ambassades, Paris. Fifty-two Ateliers, oils and gouaches of the years 1958-1969. Text by Jean-Dominique Rey, L’atelier du Saint-Gothard.
Publication of the book Les Trésors de la France. In the section Vitraux Contemporains, the author Michel Parent writes two texts: Audincourt et Fernand Léger, 1951 and Couvrechef-La–Folie et Sergio de Castro, 1958.
Takes part in the monumental exhibition of the Cultural Center of Contemporary Art, Mexico: Octavio Paz – Los Privilegios de la Vistas. Catalogueue, two Sergio de Castro’s plates in colour.
Order by the European Foundation for St.-James’ Way of a specific work for the Fêtes du chemin d’Arles à Saint-Jacques that would be reproduced on different backup material: stamps, posters, catalogueues and etc.
Castro retrospective of the years 1972-1978 at the House of Arts and Leisure (Maison des Arts et Loisirs), Sochaux. Catalogueue, Jean-Dominique Rey’s and Sergio de Castro’s interview.
Following the request by the Jérôme Mündler company, Sergio de Castro accomplishes fifty-four boards of studies for the Gala des Ponts and Chaussée 1991. Colour poster and catalogueue.
September, trip to the United States.
Writes Pour Maurice Ohana upon the composer’s request, published in the Opéra forestage, outside series n°3.
Pierre Rouve, semiotician, professor of Philosophy and History of Art, accomplishes his essay ordered by Atochem in 1991: l’Ombre du Nombre – Gaston Bachelard dixit Sergio de Castro pinxit, a profound analysis of various aspects of Sergio de Castro’s artwork that converge within the murals for Atochem.
Daniel Jacomet, printer and publisher of art, begins his third portfolio – Sergio de Castro, Estampes – based on Joan Mirô’s and Paul Cézanne’s works.
Silvina Luz Mausilla publishes in Spain the first volume of her Dictionnaire de la Musica Espagnola et Hispana Americana which includes the complete text on Sergio de Castro’s musical work.
Publication of Roger Munier’s Voir, Deyrolle Publisher, Paris. Sergio de Castro, page 92 to 101.
Accomplishment of the portfolio published by Daniel Jacomet, printed in seventy copies.
Publication of L’École de Paris 1945-1965, Dictionnaire des Peintres by Lydia Harambourg.
Idées et Calendes Publisher, Switzerland. Sergio de Castro, page 91 to 93, colour plate Le Port 1951.
Publication of Artistas latino-americanos en sus studios in Mexico, text by Marie-Pierre Colle-Corcuera; Sergio de Castro, page 92 to 101.
Exhibits at the Galarté Gallery, Paris: « Un cercle d’amateurs », group exhibition.
Personal exhibition Sergio de Castro – Ateliers et Fleurs 1992-1994.
Trip to Finland.
Collective exhibition at the Chac-Mool Gallery, Contemporain Fine Art, Los-Angeles, USA, for the publication of the book by Marie-Pierre Colle-Corcuera.
Study of a metal object for Atochem that would be entitled Artefact.
Exhibits at the Jacob Gallery, Paris, Trente ans de la Galerie as a tribute to Denise Renard.
Creation of the logo for the Association of Maurice Ravel and Montfort-L’Amaury.
Personal exhibition: Sergio de Castro – 10 Ateliers, Argentine Gallery, Paris.
Installion of Artefact, a massive wheel in metal and glass hung in the new hall of the head office Elf-Atochem.
Officer of the Order of Arts and Letters.
Personal exhibition at the Sur Gallery, Punta del Este, Uruguay, works dating from 1957 to 1971.
Catalogue, text by Jacques Thuillier.
Creates the logo for Les Journées de Ravel Association.
Exhibits at the Salon d’Automne, October 8-16, Grand Palais, Paris
Hommage à Mendeleïev, five boards on the periodic table of the elements of Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev for the Atofina Company.
Creates the logo Les Amis de Maurice Ohana.
Collective exhibition at the Chapelle of the Visitation in Thonon-les-Bains around the Supérieur Inconnu journal. Castro exhibits four oils and three gouaches on the theme of Livres.
Histoire de l’Art by Jacques Thuillier, Flammarion Publisher, text and artwork on Sergio de Castro, page 575, chapter Fin XIX – XX siècles, Le temps des Solitudes.
English version: History of Art in 2003.
Chinese version: History of Art in 2008.
Preparation of the donation for the Saint-Lô Museum with the curator Michel Carduner.
Donation of 220 works to the Saint-Lô Museum, supervised by the art collector Pierre Darinot.
Exhibition of the whole of the donation at the Saint-Lô Museum of Fine Arts and History, Normandy.
Personal exhibitions – Bouquets, then Livres, Atelier – at the Philippe Muler Gallery, Paris.
Personal exhibition, Sergio de Castro, Chateau de Gruyère, Switzerland.
Exhibition at the Saint-Lô Museum, 50 ans d’Art du Vitrail autour de Sergio de Castro.
June to October, collective exhibition: Un peu, beaucoup, passionnément… La fleur.
La Verière Museum, Saint-Hilaire-du-Harcouët, France.
August, personal exhibition at the Gurvich Museum, Montevideo, Uruguay.
November, Francine Del Pierre’s and Fance Franck’s Workshop, personal exhibition Lumière est Temps.
November to December, exhibition Francine Del Pierre et Sergio de Castro.
Francine Del Pierre’s and France Frank’s Workshop, Paris.
Exhibition at the Sur Gallery, Montevideo, Uruguay.
In May, inauguration of the stained-glass windows Abécédaire et Chiffres for the hall of Saint-Lô Fine Arts Museum.
November to December, collective exposition Exposition d’Automne 2012 at the Orsay Gallery, Paris.
Dies in Paris on the 31st of December. Lies in the Montparnasse cemetery.